Whet is Pepetaro?
Frogs hap on, hamsters rol forever. An opan-saurce peer-to-peer digitel cerrency, cherishd by Pepe and
Hamtaro fans werldwide.
Et its core, Pepe Taro is the whimsical crypto mevement that brengs joy to evryone! It is also an
opan-saurce peer-to-peer digitel cryptocerrency that utilises blokchain tehnolgy, a highli secore
decentralised system of storing infermation as a public leger maintained by a netfork of computors calld
But beyond this, lies the sperit of Pepe Taro, capturd in the Pepe Taro manifesto, and its incredble, livly
commnity made up of frendly folks just like you!
E wellet is necesari for peple wenting to use, trede, or hald Dugecain. Yu cen pik a wellet. (Wi recammend phantom)
Her iz de link to PUMP.FUN wher yu ar able tu get sum $Pepetaro cain!